让我们创建一个名为algorithm .py的文件,在这个文件中,我们将用python编写所有的排序算法。导入时间模块,告知用户可视化工具所花费的时间。
class Algorithm: def __init__(self, name): self.array = random.sample(range(512), 512) # Random array of size 512 self.name = name # Get name of the variable def update_display(self, swap1=None, swap2=None): import visualizer visualizer.update(self, swap1, swap2) # pass the indexes to be swapped into the visualizer def run(self): # Start the timer and run the algorithm self.start_time = time.time() self.algorithm() time_elapsed = time.time() - self.start_time return self.array, time_elapsed
Selection Sort选择排序
class SelectionSort(Algorithm): def __init__(self): super().__init__("SelectionSort") def algorithm(self): for i in range(len(self.array)): min_idx = i for j in range(i+1, len(self.array)): if self.array[j] < self.array[min_idx]: min_idx = j self.array[i], self.array[min_idx] = self.array[min_idx], self.array[i] self.update_display(self.array[i], self.array[min_idx])
Bubble Sort冒泡排序
class BubbleSort(Algorithm): def __init__(self): super().__init__("BubbleSort") def algorithm(self): for i in range(len(self.array)): for j in range(len(self.array)-1-i): if self.array[j] > self.array[j+1]: self.array[j], self.array[j+1] = self.array[j+1], self.array[j] self.update_display(self.array[j], self.array[j+1])
Insertion Sort插入排序
class InsertionSort(Algorithm): def __init__(self): super().__init__("InsertionSort") def algorithm(self): for i in range(len(self.array)): cursor = self.array[i] idx = i while idx > 0 and self.array[idx-1] > cursor: self.array[idx] = self.array[idx-1] idx -= 1 self.array[idx] = cursor self.update_display(self.array[idx], self.array[i])
Merge Sort归并排序
class MergeSort(Algorithm): def __init__(self): super().__init__("MergeSort") def algorithm(self, array=[]): if array == []: array = self.array if len(array) < 2: return array mid = len(array) // 2 left = self.algorithm(array[:mid]) right = self.algorithm(array[mid:]) return self.merge(left, right) def merge(self, left, right): result = [] i, j = 0, 0 while i < len(left) and j < len(right): if left[i] < right[j]: result.append(left[i]) i += 1 else: result.append(right[j]) j += 1 self.update_display() result += left[i:] result += right[j:] self.array = result self.update_display() return result
Quick Sort快速排序
class QuickSort(Algorithm): def __init__(self): super().__init__("QuickSort") def algorithm(self, array=[], start=0, end=0): if array == []: array = self.array end = len(array) - 1 if start < end: pivot = self.partition(array,start,end) self.algorithm(array,start,pivot-1) self.algorithm(array,pivot+1,end) def partition(self, array, start, end): x = array[end] i = start-1 for j in range(start, end+1, 1): if array[j] <= x: i += 1 if i < j: array[i], array[j] = array[j], array[i] self.update_display(array[i], array[j]) return i
import algorithms import time import os import sys import pygame # Set the window length and breadth (Make sure that the breadth is equal to size of array. [512]) dimensions = [1024, 512] # List all the algorithms available in the project in dictionary and call the necessary functions from algorithms.py algorithms = {"SelectionSort": algorithms.SelectionSort(), "BubbleSort": algorithms.BubbleSort(), "InsertionSort": algorithms.InsertionSort(), "MergeSort": algorithms.MergeSort(), "QuickSort": algorithms.QuickSort()} # Check list of all the available sorting techniques using 'list' if len(sys.argv) > 1: if sys.argv[1] == "list": for key in algorithms.keys(): print(key, end=" ") # Display the available algorithms print("") sys.exit(0) # Initalise the pygame library pygame.init() # Set the dimensions of the window and display it display = pygame.display.set_mode((dimensions[0], dimensions[1])) # Fill the window with purple hue display.fill(pygame.Color("#a48be0")) def check_events(): # Check if the pygame window was quit for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: pygame.quit(); sys.exit(); def update(algorithm, swap1=None, swap2=None, display=display): # The function responsible for drawing the sorted array on each iteration display.fill(pygame.Color("#a48be0")) pygame.display.set_caption("Sorting Visualizer Algorithm: {} Time: {:.3f} Status: Sorting...".format(algorithm.name, time.time() - algorithm.start_time)) # Display on title bar k = int(dimensions[0]/len(algorithm.array)) for i in range(len(algorithm.array)): colour = (80, 0, 255) if swap1 == algorithm.array[i]: colour = (0,255,0) elif swap2 == algorithm.array[i]: colour = (255,0,0) # The most important step that renders the rectangles to the screen that gets sorted. # pygame.draw.rect(dsiplay_window, color_of_rectangle, size_of_rectangle) pygame.draw.rect(display, colour, (i*k,dimensions[1],k,-algorithm.array[i])) check_events() pygame.display.update() def keep_open(algorithm, display, time): # Keep the window open until sort completion pygame.display.set_caption("Sorting Visualizer Algorithm: {} Time: {:.3f} Status: Done!".format(algorithm.name, time)) while True: check_events() pygame.display.update() def main(): if len(sys.argv) < 2: print("Please select a sorting algorithm.") else: try: algorithm = algorithms[sys.argv[1]] # Pass the algorithm selected try: time_elapsed = algorithm.run()[1] keep_open(algorithm, display, time_elapsed) pass except: pass except: print("Error.") if __name__ == "__main__": main()
是时候运行我们的项目了。在项目目录中打开终端并执行 python visualizer.py list
Available algorithms: SelectionSort BubbleSort InsertionSort MergeSort QuickSort
比如执行:python visualizer.py SelectionSort
def update(algorithm, swap1=None, swap2=None, display=display): # The function responsible for drawing the sorted array on each iteration display.fill(pg.Color("#a48be0")) pg.display.set_caption("Sorting Visualizer 11 Algorithm: {} Time: {:.3f} Status: Sorting...".format(algorithm.name, time.time() - algorithm.start_time)) # Display on title bar k = int(dimensions[0]/len(algorithm.array)) for i in range(len(algorithm.array)): colour = (80, 0, 255) if swap1 == algorithm.array[i]: colour = (0,255,0) elif swap2 == algorithm.array[i]: colour = (255,0,0) # 设置帧率为每秒60帧 # The most important step that renders the rectangles to the screen that gets sorted. # pg.draw.rect(dsiplay_window, color_of_rectangle, size_of_rectangle) pg.draw.rect(display, colour, (i*k, 512 - algorithm.array[i], k, algorithm.array[i])) time.sleep(0.3) check_events() pg.display.update()
python tensorflow学习之识别单张图片的实现的示例
本篇文章主要介绍了python tensorflow学习之识别单张图片的实现的示例,小编觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,也给大家做个参考。一起跟随小编过来看看吧2018-02-02