makeShadow Attribute | MakeShadow Property

Internet Development Index

Sets or retrieves the value that indicates whether content is displayed as a shadow.


{ filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Blur(
    makeShadow = bShadow ... ) ... }
    "DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Blur").MakeShadow [ = bShadow ]

Possible Values

bShadowBoolean that specifies or receives Boolean. Returns one of the values in Possible Values.
trueDisplay content as a shadow.
falseDefault. Display content with normal RGB values.

The property is read/write. The property has a default value of false.


When the content is displayed as a shadow, its features are set to black, and then the blur filter is applied. Adjust the ShadowOpacity property to control the darkness of the shadow.


This example places a shadow under the content of a DIV object. The DIV object is duplicated. The first DIV object displays the shadow, while the second is unfiltered.

    <DIV ID="oDiv" STYLE="position:absolute; left:70px; filter:
progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.blur(pixelradius=3.0, makeshadow='true', ShadowOpacity=1.0)" >
An image - >
<IMG SRC='../common/earglobe.gif' />
<DIV ID="oDiv" STYLE="position:absolute; left:70px; " >
An image - >
<IMG SRC='../common/earglobe.gif' />

Applies To


See Also

PixelRadius, Scripting Filters, Filter Design Considerations