Sets or retrieves the manner in which to display an image within the boundary of the object that the AlphaImageLoader filter is applied to.
Possible Values
sSize | String that
specifies or receives one of the following values.
crop | Clips the image to fit the dimensions of the object. | image | Default. Enlarges or reduces the border of the object to fit the dimensions of the image. | scale | Stretches or shrinks the image to fill the borders of the object. |
The property is read/write.
The property has a default value of
This example shows how to use the AlphaImageLoader filter to load an image that is stretched to fill a DIV object's fixed dimensions.
<!-- This DIV is the target container for the filter. -->
<DIV ID="oDiv" STYLE="position:relative; width:200px; height:20px;
src='../common/earglobe.gif', sizingMethod='scale');" >
The World
Applies To
See Also