
(PHP 5)

pcntl_getpriority --  Get the priority of any process


int pcntl_getpriority ( [int pid [, int process_identifier]] )

pcntl_getpriority() gets the priority of pid. If pid is not specified, the pid of the current process is used. Because priority levels can differ between system types and kernel versions, please see your system's getpriority(2) man page for specific details.

pcntl_getpriority() returns the priority of the process or FALSE on error. A lower numerical value causes more favorable scheduling.

process_identifier is one of PRIO_PGRP, PRIO_USER or PRIO_PROCESS.


本函数可能返回布尔值 FALSE,但也可能返回一个与 FALSE 等值的非布尔值,例如 0 或者 ""。请参阅布尔类型章节以获取更多信息。应使用 === 运算符来测试本函数的返回值。