(PHP 3 >= 3.0.8, PHP 4, PHP 5)
strip_tags -- Strip HTML and PHP tags from a string
strip_tags ( string str [, string allowable_tags] )
This function tries to return a string with all HTML and PHP tags
stripped from a given str. It uses
the same tag stripping state machine as the
fgetss() function.
You can use the optional second parameter to specify tags which
should not be stripped.
allowable_tags was added in PHP 3.0.13
and PHP 4.0b3.
Since PHP 4.3.0, HTML comments are also stripped. This is hardcoded and can
not be changed with allowable_tags.
警告 |
Because strip_tags() does not actually validate the
HTML, partial, or broken tags can result in the removal of more
text/data than expected.
警告 |
This function does not modify any attributes on the tags that you allow
using allowable_tags, including the
style and onmouseover attributes
that a mischievous user may abuse when posting text that will be shown
to other users.
例子 1. strip_tags() example
<?php $text = '<p>Test paragraph.</p><!-- Comment --> Other text'; echo strip_tags($text); echo "\n";
// Allow <p> echo strip_tags($text, '<p>'); ?>
上例将输出: Test paragraph. Other text
<p>Test paragraph.</p> Other text |
strip_tags() has been binary safe since PHP 5.0.0
See also htmlspecialchars().