c4d建模插件(HB Modeling Bundle) v2.1 for Win/Mac 官方版

  • 软件大小:20.4MB
  • 软件语言:简体中文
  • 软件类型:国产软件
  • 软件授权:免费软件
  • 软件类别:滤镜插件
  • 应用平台:Windows平台
  • 软件官网:
  • 更新时间:2016-12-13
  • 网友评分:
360通过 腾讯通过 金山通过


HB Modeling Bundle是一套适用于c4d软件的建模插件包,该插件包集合了经常用到的建模脚本,包括8 Snapping scripts、4 Brush scripts、HB_CleanView等,一共有60个,可以大大地提高设计师的建模体验,兼容c4d r17、r16等版本,需要此款工具的朋友们就来下载使用吧。

1、复制文件夹“HB ModellingBundle 2.0.1”到配置文件夹下得“library\scripts”下
4、复制“new.c4d”文件到安装目录跟目录MAXON\CINEMA 4D下
5、启动后界面选择“HB ModellingBundle”布局界面

有超过60个的脚本和工具,这将提升应用程序中的建模体验,HB Modeling Bundle 2.1增加了一个独特的retopology工具
8 Snapping scripts (easier setup of snapping settings)
4 Brush scripts (for changing Brush settings)
HB_CenterCut (make loop cuts in the centre of edges)
HB_CleanView (toggle viewport filters to see only relevant items)
7 Clone Scripts (clone polygons along an axis and align without gaps)
HB_DefaultCamera (use the default editor camera and adjust settings)
HB_Delete (6 different modes to delete objects or components)
HB_Divider (change subdivisions of any parametric object or reset settings)
HB_EvenDistribution (evenly distribute points of selected edges)
HB_FastViewport (speedup the viewport and restore old settings)
HB_Group (group each selected object under a null)
HB_GroupSymmetry (make current selected objects symmetrical in local or global space)
HB_GuidesColor (change the colour of all guide objects)
HB_Instancer (make instances selected objects while the last selected is referenced)
HB_KnifeLine (Knife tool setup to make line cuts)
HB_KnifePath (Knife tool setup to make path cuts)
HB_LoopCut (Knife tool set up to make loop cuts)
HB_Lineup (line up selected edges)
HB_LoopSelection (makes loop selections)
HB_ModellingCamera (creates a local work plane on the selected components and an orthogonal Camera)HB_ModelMode (makes some settings and toggles to model mode)
HB_Move (Move tool with extra settings)
HB_Namer (easily rename objects in the Viewport)
HB_Paste (pastes objects at mouse position and aligns to surface normal)
HB_PathSelection (sets up the Path selection tool)
HB_PhongSelection ( sets up Phong break selection)
HB_PipeIt (one click Sweep setup)
HB_Retopo (easily setup an object for retopology)
HB_Rotate (Rotate tool with extra settings)
HB_Rotator (rotate objects 90 degree or reset PSR)
HB_RoundEdge (smooths out edge selections)
HB_SnapToSpline (snap edge selections to a spline)
HB_Scale (Scale tool with extra settings)
HB_SelectionMaker (make polygon selections)
HB_SelectSame ( Select objects of the same type or same point count)
HB_SetPhong (set the phong angle of selected objects)
HB_SmoothEdge (a bezier deformer setup for polygon objects)
HB_Solo (isolates objects or polygons and frames the selection)
HB_SymmetryFix (centre points near the symmetry plane to fix symmetry holes)
HB_SymmetryMaker (deletes half and parents under a Symmetry object)
HB_ToggleMode (toggles modes between points/edges/Polygons and more)
HB_ToggleSoftselection (toggles soft selection)
HB_ToggleVisibility (toggles visibility of selected objects)
HB_TransformRepeat (repeats the last modelling command)
Shortcut sheet
HB modelling Bundle workspace layout
Template for working in full screen mode



c4d建模插件(HB Modeling Bundle) v2.1 for Win/Mac 官方版




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