Adobe Photoshop Lightroom CC 2015 for Mac v6.0 苹果电脑版

Lightroom CC 2015 Mac

  • 软件大小:727MB
  • 软件语言:简体中文
  • 软件类型:国产软件
  • 软件授权:免费软件
  • 软件类别:图像处理
  • 应用平台:Mac平台
  • 软件官网:
  • 更新时间:2017-10-19
  • 网友评分:
360通过 腾讯通过 金山通过


Adobe Photoshop Lightroom CC 2015 for Mac是一款可以在苹果电脑MAC OS X平台上使用的照片编辑管理利器,Lightroom不仅可以帮助用户管理大型照片图库,还可以向摄影师提供了强大的RAW和JPEG调整工具,欢迎有需要的朋友前来下载使用。

Lightroom 6以及CC的功能相似、使用方式相同,只是购买方式不一样。Lightroom 6提供独立下载,而CC则需要订购Adobe Creative Cloud服务。

Lightroom 6和CC已成为64位应用,Adobe表示运行速度会有很大改进,应用还新增了工具和笔刷。Adobe在Lightroom 6和CC中增加了面部识别技术,与苹果Aperture和iPhoto中的功能类似。

Adobe Photoshop Lightroom CC 2015 (6.0)新版功能:

HDR images made easy HDR图片制作

Create natural-looking or surreal images from extremely high-contrast scenes. Using HDR Merge, you can easily combine multiple shots **n with different exposure settings into a single high dynamic range image. See how it works ›

Stunning panoramas – 全景效果

Capture superwide fields of view and amazing detail. Photomerge technology lets you stitch together multiple images, including raw files, to create seamless panoramas.See how it works ›

Faster performance – 更快的性能

Import and perfect your photos faster than ever. Lightroom **s advantage of compatible graphics processors to boost its overall speed, especially when you’re enhancing images in the Develop module.

Facial recognition – 面部识别

Quickly find images of family and friends, even without metadata tags. Select a face in one photo, and Lightroom searches for that person in all your other images. Categorize and group your photos based on faces. See how it works ›

Advanced video slide shows – 视频幻灯片展示

Create beautiful, polished slide shows using still images, video and music along with professional effects like pan and zoom. See how it works ›

Improved web galleries – 改进的Web画廊

Showcase your work in more elegant, engaging and interactive web galleries. New HTML5-compatible gallery templates work with the widest range of desktop and mobile browsers.See how it works ›

Better control of filters – 滤波器更好的控制

Precisely control which parts of your image are affected by the Graduated or Radial filters. Now you can use a brush to edit the filter’s mask, adding or subtracting filter effects wherever you want.See how it works ›

Easy photo sharing – 轻松分享照片

Publish web galleries with Lightroom. Get feedback on your photos, start discussions and more — all from Lightroom on your mobile device or desktop.See how it works ›

Support for more devices – 更多设备的支持

Lightroom is now on Android devices. And just like on iPad and iPhone, all your edits sync back to your computer.Learn more ›

Visual storytelling – 视觉故事

Pull images from Lightroom into Adobe Voice and Slate on your iPad or iPhone to craft visual stories and animated videos.

Copy-paste enhancements – 复制粘贴功能

On your iPad or iPhone, you can quickly copy adjustments from one photo and paste them onto another for ultra-fast processing.

Perfect presentations – 完美的表现

Use the new Presentation mode on your iPad or iPhone to show off photos without accidentally adjusting or editing them.

Fast photo searching – 照片快速搜索

The Segmented view on your iPad or iPhone helps you find favorite photos faster than ever.

Quick composition adjustment – 快速调整

A redesigned cropping experience on iPad and iPhone lets you quickly adjust, align and auto-straighten your photos.



Adobe Photoshop Lightroom CC 2015 for Mac v6.0 苹果电脑版




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