Build Beta 7 -- February 27th, 2011
1. Fixed bug where SavePath is not read correctly from settings.
2. Implemented a new feature, User defined config file.
3. Changed default setting for autosave path to a relative value.
4. Disabled forcing UAC prompt.
5. Modified the LoadHive error for privileges so that user knows to
run program as Administrator.
6. Fixed LoadHive setting and SoftwareHivePath setting.
7. Finished fixing the web links for the new project.
8. Reorganized the saving of settings into alphabetical order A-Z,
loading doesn't matter.
9. Disabled log options in the options dialog. It's currently not
being used anyways.
10. Removed the following settings which currently are not in use:
11. Updated keyfinder.cfg.
12. Implemented a path to settings file setting.
Build Beta 6 -- February 18th, 2011
1. Fully implemented software updates! Now it takes into account
both stable and unstable updates.
2. Added setting to show blank keys when they are detected. The
setting is ShowBlankSerials. By default is false.
3. Fixed correction where Save As HTML output the program would show
Magical Jelly Bean Keyfinder instead of Enchanted Keyfinder. bleh
Build Beta 5 -- February 17th, 2011
1. Added MS Office product description derived from the GUID.
Affects Office 2000 through Office 2010.
2. Fixed Office 2010 CD Key misreporting.
3. Fixed browsing for a hive in WinPE environment.
4. Updated all the links for the new project page.
5. Updated command line switch documentation.
6. Checks if running as administrator token.
7. Added Save as HTML and Save as ini. Command line switches /saveini
and /savehtml also added.
8. Compiles in Delphi 7 now.
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