Maya模型导入转换插件NPower Translators R1100 Maya 2019 安装版


  • 软件大小:13.5MB
  • 软件语言:英文软件
  • 软件类型:国外软件
  • 软件授权:免费软件
  • 软件类别:滤镜插件
  • 应用平台:Windows平台
  • 软件官网:
  • 更新时间:2019-08-23
  • 网友评分:
360通过 腾讯通过 金山通过


NPower Translators是一个Maya模型导入转换插件,支持Maya2019。NPower Software的Maya Power Translators使您能够直接将IGES,STEP,SAT,Rhino模型导入Maya。 忘记过去的Poly翻译网格导入器。 nPower Software的高级Maya Geometry管道支持原始CAD模型的精确基于NURBS的曲面和实体几何和拓扑,允许您将网格重新细分为您想要的任何分辨率。

nPower Software’s Maya Power Translators give you the power to import IGES, STEP, SAT, Rhino models directly into Maya. Forget the Poly translated mesh importers of the past. nPower Software’s advanced Maya Geometry pipeline supports the original CAD model’s precision NURBS-based surface and solids geometry and topology allowing you to re-tessellate your mesh to whatever resolution you want on the fly. Have you tried importing CAD files with the existing importers in Maya and had a bad experience? Do you wish you could import larger models? Do you wish the surfaces were sewn together when you imported (instead of having multiple separate surfaces). Well, then find out what thousands of Max artists already know; Power Translators work.

Maya 2019最新下载地址



拷贝nPowerTrans.mll到C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2019\bin\plug-ins\,替换



Maya模型导入转换插件NPower Translators R1100 Maya 2019 安装版




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