You’ve run into this issue numerous times. You are developing an ASP.NET application, and you need to incorporate functionality that comes prepackaged in SharePoint. Wikis, blogs, document management, user authentication, access management—common needs across a variety of solutions. You know there is a way to integrate SharePoint’s functionality within ASP.NET solutions, but you don’t know how to develop it.
Without guidance and examples, interacting with underlying SharePoint components can be challenging, and working with the different SharePoint APIs is complicated. This book introduces you to a variety of techniques to master the art of developing ASP.NET applications that are built upon a SharePoint foundation. You’ll explore integration with SharePoint components, configuration management, Code Access Security, feature packaging, proper use of SharePoint APIs, and advanced deployment techniques. Pro ASP.NET SharePoint 2010 Solutions walks you through all of the steps needed to successfully build and deploy ASP.NET solutions within the SharePoint platform.
What you’ll learn
- How to use SharePoint as a development platform
- How to build SharePoint features such as authentication, document management, and wikis and blogs into an ASP.NET application
- How to migrate an existing application from ASP.NET into SharePoint
- Understand the SharePoint / .NET / IIS implementation
- Different approaches to packaging ASP.NET within SharePoint
Who this book is for
This book is for ASP.NET developers who want to incorporate the functionality of SharePoint into their applications. Readers familiar with either ASP.NET development or with SharePoint will find valuable information which will greatly enhance their solutions and allow them to build solid, professional applications with minimal effort.
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