C#游戏编程(C# Game Programming: For Serious Game Creation)(Daniel Schuller)英文pdf文字版

  • 书籍大小:3.8MB
  • 书籍语言:简体中文
  • 书籍类型:国产软件
  • 书籍授权:免费软件
  • 书籍类别:.NET电子书
  • 应用平台:PDF
  • 更新时间:2023-05-24
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本站占不提供相关下载即使有经验的游戏开发学生有时也很难为一个伟大的游戏成为现实的设想。可用的编程语言,库数量,生产方式可以使开发过程中最复杂和不可靠的游戏的代码的结果。 C#中游戏程序设计:显示学生创作的严肃游戏的游戏程序员如何编写简单,清洁,可靠的代码循序渐进的方式,通过建立一个基本的游戏步骤。游戏是使用C#中,一个高层次的编程语言和OpenGL,为业界最喜爱的图形显示。学生们将获得一个方法and用来建立良好的游戏,学习如何使用这些库和create你的own,并最终建立您自己的滚动射击游戏库overview。他们甚至会找到如何开发自己的游戏的创意,你就会有一个良好的代码基础工作的提示和信息。 C#中游戏程序设计:为客户提供一个严肃游戏的创造的所有信息类大学生,他们需要采取from概念他们的游戏理念,以completion.Copyright ©里德Business信息,作为Reed Elsevier公司的表决保留所有权利。 - 这个文本是指印刷或无法版这个称号了。

Editorial Reviews
Product Description
Even experienced game developers sometimes have a hard time making their vision for a great game a reality. The number of available programming languages, libraries, and production methods can make the development process overwhelming and result in complicated, unreliable game code. C# Game Programming: For Serious Game Creation shows programmers how to write simple, clean, and reliable code step-by-step through the creation of a basic game. The game is built using C#, a high-level programming language, and OpenGL, an industry favorite for graphics display. You'll get an overview of the methods and libraries used to build good games, learn how to use those libraries and create your own, and finally build your own scrolling shooter game. You'll even find tips and information on how to develop your own game ideas and you'll have an excellent code base to work with. C# Game Programming: For Serious Game Creation provides you with all the information you need to take your game ideas from concept to completion.
About the Author
Daniel Schuller is a British-born computer game developer who has worked and lived in America, Singapore, Japan, and is currently working in the United Kingdom. He has released games on the PC as well as the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. He has developed games for Sony, Ubisoft, Naughty Dog, RedBull, and Wizards of the Coast, and maintains a game development website at //www.godpatterns.com. In addition to developing computer games, Daniel also studies Japanese and is interested in Artificial Intelligence, cognition, and the use of games in education.



C#游戏编程(C# Game Programming: For Serious Game Creation)(Daniel Schuller)英文pdf文字版



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