The Flask Mega Toturial 中文版 最新pdf完整版

The Flask Mega中文教程

  • 书籍大小:2.6MB
  • 书籍语言:简体中文
  • 书籍类型:国产软件
  • 书籍授权:免费软件
  • 书籍类别:Python电子书
  • 应用平台:PDF
  • 更新时间:2020-09-22
  • 购买链接:
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360通过 腾讯通过 金山通过


The Flask Mega教程依据最新的 Flask 和 Python3 等新特性,和目前的 Flask web 开发经验推出了最新的 Flask Mega-Tutorial,用于给 Python web 入门开发者一些经验和参考。需要的朋友可下载试试!

本教程翻译自Miguel Grinberg新版The Flask Mega-Tutorial


Chapter 1: Hello, World! (this article)
Chapter 2: Templates
Chapter 3: Web Forms
Chapter 4: Database
Chapter 5: User Logins
Chapter 6: Profile Page and Avatars
Chapter 7: Error Handling
Chapter 8: Followers
Chapter 9: Pagination
Chapter 10: Email Support
Chapter 11: Facelift
Chapter 12: Dates and Times
Chapter 13: I18n and L10n
Chapter 14: Ajax
Chapter 15: A Better Application Structure
Chapter 16: Full-Text Search
Chapter 17: Deployment on Linux
Chapter 18: Deployment on Heroku
Chapter 19: Deployment on Docker Containers
Chapter 20: Some JavaScript Magic
Chapter 21: User Notifications
Chapter 22: Background Jobs
Chapter 23: Application Programming Interfaces (APIs)



The Flask Mega Toturial 中文版 最新pdf完整版



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