
互联网   发布时间:2008-10-04 13:41:05   作者:佚名   我要评论
3DMAX8.CN v-ray入门教程 VRay光影追踪渲染器有Basic Package 和 Advanced Package两种包装形式。Basic Package具有适当的功能和较低的价格,适合学生和业余艺术家使用。Advanced Package 包含有几种特殊功能,适用于专业人员使用。 1、建立场景,认为材质和摄影

2 其它参数(学习VR上www.jb51.net)
Hsph subdivs: 计算gi时的采样值,与定义值为15,加大它肯定会增加渲染时间,但增加的不多,
Hspr细分值 默认为15,到25~30为佳,再大也会像b razil一样了…………
Clr thershold Normr thershold
根据 vray原作者的回答:
that's it. Lowering these parameters will
make irradiance map calculations longer, but will capture GI detail
Personally I don't ajust these settings, But I guess if they
are set to high, you start loosing detajl, and if to low, it needs more
subdivs (time) to render smooth?.
There is something about the detail which is lost (small objetcs such as
the horizontal
elements on the wall seem a bit flat. I've read that by reducing the
Normal thresh that can
become better
Interp. Samples: 40
此值太大 ,softing in surfaces, 一般 40即可
Secondary bounces: subd: 1, depth: 3
max min
As for sec. bounce subdivision parameter, I think it controls the
sampling of the secondary bounces, that is the higher this number is the
less noisy the image.
Depth 控制光线反射 ,反弹的次数, 一般场景不超过 5
假如是玻璃, 应该大一点.

