如果你是一个设计师或没有很多的编程经验的艺术家,这本书会教你用二维和三维图形,声音,身体互动,电子电路的工作创造有趣和令人信服的各种经验 - 网上和关闭。编程交互解释程序和电气工程基础知识,并引入了三个免费提供的工具创建的艺术家和设计师专门为:加工,Arduino的,和OpenFrameworks。
Make cool stuff. If you're a designer or artist without a lot of programming experience, this book will teach you to work with 2D and 3D graphics, sound, physical interaction, and electronic circuitry to create all sorts of interesting and compelling experiences -- online and off. Programming Interactivity explains programming and electrical engineering basics, and introduces three freely available tools created specifically for artists and designers: Processing, Arduino, and OpenFrameworks.
Chapter 1 Introducing Interaction Design
Chapter 2 Programming Basics
Chapter 3 Processing
Chapter 4 Arduino
Chapter 5 Programming Revisited
Chapter 6 openFrameworks
Chapter 7 Sound and Audio
Chapter 8 Physical Input
Chapter 9 Programming Graphics
Chapter 10 Bitmaps and Pixels
Chapter 11 Physical Feedback
Chapter 12 Protocols and Communication
Chapter 13 Graphics and OpenGL
Chapter 14 Detection and Gestures
Chapter 15 Movement and Location
Chapter 16 Interfaces and Controls
Chapter 17 Spaces and Environments
Chapter 18 Further Resources
Appendix Circuit Diagram Symbols
Programming Glossary
Make cool stuff. If you're a designer or artist without a lot of programming experience, this book will teach you to work with 2D and 3D graphics, sound, physical interaction, and electronic circuitry to create all sorts of interesting and compelling experiences -- online and off. Programming Interactivity explains programming and electrical engineering basics, and introduces three freely available tools created specifically for artists and designers: Processing, Arduino, and OpenFrameworks.
Chapter 1 Introducing Interaction Design
Chapter 2 Programming Basics
Chapter 3 Processing
Chapter 4 Arduino
Chapter 5 Programming Revisited
Chapter 6 openFrameworks
Chapter 7 Sound and Audio
Chapter 8 Physical Input
Chapter 9 Programming Graphics
Chapter 10 Bitmaps and Pixels
Chapter 11 Physical Feedback
Chapter 12 Protocols and Communication
Chapter 13 Graphics and OpenGL
Chapter 14 Detection and Gestures
Chapter 15 Movement and Location
Chapter 16 Interfaces and Controls
Chapter 17 Spaces and Environments
Chapter 18 Further Resources
Appendix Circuit Diagram Symbols
Programming Glossary
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