发布时间:2009-08-08 00:58:06 作者:佚名 我要评论
Business Card Websites (BCW)
Made By Elephant’s Tim Van Damme recently started a trend he coined Business Card Websites (BCW), or specialized contact/about pages for individuals that are heavy on ajax and great design. Once Tim got his BCW online other designers started following suit. BCW’s are a great place to send people if they want to get an overview of your social networking presence, portfolio and capabilities, contact information, etc. We have a feeling we’re going to start seeing more of these pop up in the near future. Here are a few of the best we’ve found so far:
Tim has three tabs on this BCW which tell you how to find him on the net, who he is, and how to get in touch with him.
Rogie King runs Komodo Media, and his BCW retains some of the design elements he uses there. Great consistency.
Michael’s BCW has a stunning underwater effect with appealing organic treatments.
Matthias blogs over at kremalicious.com and has also chosen to keep his design consistent across his BCW.
Daniel has taken a minimalistic approach that works quite well. It’s clean, simple, to-the-point, and friendly.
There you have it: 60 beautiful and effective about pages from personal websites, blogs, and portfolios. Hopefully this will inspire you to revisit their about pages and come up with some unique and innovative ways of representing yourself on the web.
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