用Firefox来Hacking Web 2.0程序(图)

互联网   发布时间:2008-10-08 19:37:54   作者:佚名   我要评论
Introduction //简介 AJAX and interactive web services form the backbone of “web 2.0” applications. This technological transformation brings about new challenges for security professionals. This article looks at some of the methods, tools and tric

Figure 4. Capturing Ajax calls.
We can see several requests made by the browser using XHR. It has loaded the dojo AJAX framework from the server while simultaneously making a call to a resource on the server to fetch news articles.
http://example.com/ getnews.aspx?date=09262006
If we closely look at the code, we can see following function in JavaScript:
function getNews()
var http;
http = new XMLHttpRequest();
http.open("GET", " getnews.aspx?date=09262006", true);
http.onreadystatechange = function()
if (http.readyState == 4) {
var response = http.responseText;
document.getElementById('result').innerHTML = response;
The preceding code makes an asynchronous call to the backend web server and asks for the resource getnews.aspx?date=09262006. The content of this page is placed at the ‘result’ id location in the resulting HTML page. This is clearly an Ajax call using the XHR object.
By analyzing the application in this format, we can identify vulnerable internal URLs, querystrings and POST requests as well. For example, again using the above case, the parameter “date” is vulnerable to an SQL injection attack.
Crawling challenges and browser simulation
An important reconnaissance tool when performing web application assessment is a web crawler. A web crawler crawls every single page and collects all HREFs (links). But what if these HREFs point to a JavaScript function that makes Ajax calls using the XHR object? The web crawler may miss this information altogether.
In many cases it becomes very difficult to simulate this environment. For example, here is a set of simple links:
The “go1” link when clicked will execute the getMe() function. The code for getMe() function is as shown below. Note that this function may be implemented in a completely separate file.
function getMe()
var http;
http = new XMLHttpRequest();
http.open("GET", "hi.html", true);
http.onreadystatechange = function()
if (http.readyState == 4) {
var response = http.responseText;
document.getElementById('result').innerHTML = response;
The preceding code makes a simple Ajax call to the hi.html resource on the server.
Is it possible to simulate this click using automation? Yes! Here is one approach using the Firefox plug-in Chickenfoot [ref 4] that provides JavaScript-based APIs and extends the programmable interface to the browser.
By using the Chickenfoot plugin, you can write simple JavaScript to automate browser behavior. With this methodology, simple tasks such as crawling web pages can be automated with ease. For example, the following simple script will “click” all anchors with onClick events. The advantage of this plug-in over traditional web crawlers is distinct: each of these onClick events makes backend XHR-based AJAX calls which may be missed by crawlers because crawlers try to parse JavaScript and collect possible links but cannot replace actual onClick events.
You can load this script in the Chickenfoot console and run it as shown in Figure 5.

Figure 5. Simulating onClick AJAX call with chickenfoot.
This way, one can create JavaScript and assess AJAX-based applications from within the Firefox browser. There are several API calls [ref 5] that can be used in the chickenfoot plugin. A useful one is the “fetch” command to build a crawling utility.
Logic discovery & dissecting applications
To dissect client-side Ajax-based applications, one needs to go through each of the events very carefully in order to determine process logic. One way of determining the entire logic is to walk through each line of code. Often, each of these event calls process just a few functions from specific files only. Hence, one needs to use a technique to step through the relevant code that gets executed in a browser.
There are a few powerful debuggers for JavaScript that can be used to achieve the above objective. Firebug is one of them. Another one is venkman [ref 6]. We shall use Firebug again in our example.
Let’s take a simple example of a login process. The login.html page accepts a username and password from the end-user, as shown in Figure 6. Use the “inspect” feature of Firebug to determine the property of the form.

Figure 6. Form property inspection with Firebug.
After inspecting the form property, it is clear that a call is made to the “auth” function. We can now go to the debugger feature of Firebug as illustrated in Figure 7 and isolate internal logic for a particular event.

