用Firefox来Hacking Web 2.0程序(图)
互联网 发布时间:2008-10-08 19:37:54 作者:佚名 我要评论
Introduction //简介
AJAX and interactive web services form the backbone of “web 2.0” applications. This technological transformation brings about new challenges for security professionals.
This article looks at some of the methods, tools and tric
Figure 7. Debugging with Firebug.
All JavaScript dependencies of this particular page can be viewed. Calls are made to the ajaxlib.js and validation.js scripts. These two scripts must have several functions. It can be deduced that the login process utilizes some of these functions. We can use a “breakpoint” to step through the entire application. Once a breakpoint is set, we can input credential information, click the “Submit” button and control the execution process. In our example, we have set a breakpoint in the “auth” function as shown in Figure 8.
Figure 8. Setting a breakpoint and controlling execution process.
We now step through the debugging process by clicking the “step in” button, which was highlighted in Figure 8. JavaScript execution moves to another function, userval, residing in the file validation.js as shown in Figure 9.
Figure 9. Moving to validation.js script page.
The preceding screenshot shows the regular expression pattern used to validate the username field. Once validation is done execution moves to another function callGetMethod as shown in Figure 10.
Finally, at the end of the execution sequence, we can observe the call to backend web services as being made by the XHR object. This is shown in Figure 11.
Figure 11. Web services call on the Firebug console.
Here we have identified the resource location for the backend web services:
The preceding resource is clearly some web services running under the .NET framework. This entire dissection process has thrown up an interesting detail: we've found a user validation routine that can be bypassed very easily. It is a potential security threat to the web application.
Taking our assessment further, we can now access the web service and its endpoints by using a WSDL file and directly bruteforce the service. We can launch several different injection attacks - SQL or XPATH - with tools such as wsChess [ref 7].
In this particular case, the application is vulnerable to an XPATH injection. The methodology for web services assessment overall is different and is outside the scope of this article. However this walkthrough technique helps identify several client-side attacks such as XSS, DOM manipulation attacks, client-side security control bypassing, malicious Ajax code execution, and so on.
Service-oriented architecture (SOA), Ajax, Rich Internet Applications (RIA) and web services are critical components to next generation web applications. To keep pace with these technologies and combat next-generation application security challenges, one needs to design and develop different methodologies and tools. One of the efficient methodologies of assessing applications is by effectively using a browser.
In this article we have seen three techniques to assess web 2.0 applications. By using these methodologies it is possible to identify and isolate several Ajax-related vulnerabilities. Browser automation scripting can assist us in web asset profiling and discovery, that in turn can help in identifying vulnerable server-side resources.
Next generation applications use JavaScript extensively. Smooth debugging tools are our knights in shining armor. The overall techniques covered in this article is a good starting point for web 2.0 assessments using Firefox.
[ref 1] Ajax security,
[ref 2] XHR Object specification, http://www.w3.org/TR/XMLHttpRequest/
[ref 3] Firebug download, https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/1843/; Firebug usage, http://www.joehewitt.com/software/firebug/docs.php
[ref 4] Chickenfoot quick start, http://groups.csail.mit.edu/uid/chickenfoot/quickstart.html
[ref 5] Chickenfoot API reference - http://groups.csail.mit.edu/uid/chickenfoot/api.html
[ref 6] Venkman walkthrough, http://www.mozilla.org/projects/venkman/venkman-walkthrough.html
[ref 7] wsChess, http://net-square.com/wschess
About the author
Shreeraj Shah, BE, MSCS, MBA, is the founder of Net Square and leads Net Square’s consulting, training and R&D activities. He previously worked with Foundstone, Chase Manhattan Bank and IBM. He is also the author of Hacking Web Services (Thomson) and co-author of Web Hacking: Attacks and Defense (Addison-Wesley). In addition, he has published several advisories, tools, and whitepapers, and has presented at numerous conferences including RSA, AusCERT, InfosecWorld (Misti), HackInTheBox, Blackhat, OSCON, Bellua, Syscan, etc. You can read his blog at http://shreeraj.blogspot.com/.
All JavaScript dependencies of this particular page can be viewed. Calls are made to the ajaxlib.js and validation.js scripts. These two scripts must have several functions. It can be deduced that the login process utilizes some of these functions. We can use a “breakpoint” to step through the entire application. Once a breakpoint is set, we can input credential information, click the “Submit” button and control the execution process. In our example, we have set a breakpoint in the “auth” function as shown in Figure 8.
Figure 8. Setting a breakpoint and controlling execution process.
We now step through the debugging process by clicking the “step in” button, which was highlighted in Figure 8. JavaScript execution moves to another function, userval, residing in the file validation.js as shown in Figure 9.
Figure 9. Moving to validation.js script page.
The preceding screenshot shows the regular expression pattern used to validate the username field. Once validation is done execution moves to another function callGetMethod as shown in Figure 10.
Finally, at the end of the execution sequence, we can observe the call to backend web services as being made by the XHR object. This is shown in Figure 11.
Figure 11. Web services call on the Firebug console.
Here we have identified the resource location for the backend web services:
The preceding resource is clearly some web services running under the .NET framework. This entire dissection process has thrown up an interesting detail: we've found a user validation routine that can be bypassed very easily. It is a potential security threat to the web application.
Taking our assessment further, we can now access the web service and its endpoints by using a WSDL file and directly bruteforce the service. We can launch several different injection attacks - SQL or XPATH - with tools such as wsChess [ref 7].
In this particular case, the application is vulnerable to an XPATH injection. The methodology for web services assessment overall is different and is outside the scope of this article. However this walkthrough technique helps identify several client-side attacks such as XSS, DOM manipulation attacks, client-side security control bypassing, malicious Ajax code execution, and so on.
Service-oriented architecture (SOA), Ajax, Rich Internet Applications (RIA) and web services are critical components to next generation web applications. To keep pace with these technologies and combat next-generation application security challenges, one needs to design and develop different methodologies and tools. One of the efficient methodologies of assessing applications is by effectively using a browser.
In this article we have seen three techniques to assess web 2.0 applications. By using these methodologies it is possible to identify and isolate several Ajax-related vulnerabilities. Browser automation scripting can assist us in web asset profiling and discovery, that in turn can help in identifying vulnerable server-side resources.
Next generation applications use JavaScript extensively. Smooth debugging tools are our knights in shining armor. The overall techniques covered in this article is a good starting point for web 2.0 assessments using Firefox.
[ref 1] Ajax security,
[ref 2] XHR Object specification, http://www.w3.org/TR/XMLHttpRequest/
[ref 3] Firebug download, https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/1843/; Firebug usage, http://www.joehewitt.com/software/firebug/docs.php
[ref 4] Chickenfoot quick start, http://groups.csail.mit.edu/uid/chickenfoot/quickstart.html
[ref 5] Chickenfoot API reference - http://groups.csail.mit.edu/uid/chickenfoot/api.html
[ref 6] Venkman walkthrough, http://www.mozilla.org/projects/venkman/venkman-walkthrough.html
[ref 7] wsChess, http://net-square.com/wschess
About the author
Shreeraj Shah, BE, MSCS, MBA, is the founder of Net Square and leads Net Square’s consulting, training and R&D activities. He previously worked with Foundstone, Chase Manhattan Bank and IBM. He is also the author of Hacking Web Services (Thomson) and co-author of Web Hacking: Attacks and Defense (Addison-Wesley). In addition, he has published several advisories, tools, and whitepapers, and has presented at numerous conferences including RSA, AusCERT, InfosecWorld (Misti), HackInTheBox, Blackhat, OSCON, Bellua, Syscan, etc. You can read his blog at http://shreeraj.blogspot.com/.
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